
The North American Have I Been Pwned Tour

It was 2019 that I was last in North America, spending time in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Vegas, Denver, Minnesota, New York and Seattle. The year before, it was Montreal and Vancouver and since then, well, things got a bit weird for a while. It's a shame it's been this long because North America is such an important part of the world for so many of the things we (including Charlotte in this too) do; it's the lion's share of the audience for my content, the companies whose services we rely on,...

Weekly Update 414

This is such a significant week for us, to finally have Stefan join us as a proper employee at HIBP. When you start out as a pet project, you never really consider yourself a "proper" employee because, well, it's just you mucking around. And then when Charlotte started "officially" working for HIBP a few years ago, well, that's my wife helping me out. To have someone whose sole purpose it is to write code that makes this thing tick and build all sorts of amazing new features expands our capacity...

The Trouble with Procurement Departments, Resellers and Stripe

It should be so simple: you're a customer who wants to purchase something so you whip out the credit card and buy it. I must have done this thousands of times, and it's easy! I've bought stuff with plastic credit cards, stuff with Apple Pay on my phone and watch and, like all of us, loads of stuff simply by entering credit card details into a website. A lot of that has been business expenses for which I've obtained a receipt and then claimed back, either in my joyful life of independence or in a...

Weekly Update 413

Whilst there definitely weren't 2.x billion people in the National Public Data breach, it is bad. It really is fascinating how much data can be collected and monetised in this fashion and as we've seen many times before, data breaches do often follow. The NPD incident has received a huge amount of exposure this week and as is often the case, there are some interesting turns; partial data sets, an actor turned data broker, a disclosure notice (almost) nobody can load and bad actors peddling parti...

Inside the "3 Billion People" National Public Data Breach

I decided to write this post because there's no concise way to explain the nuances of what's being described as one of the largest data breaches ever. Usually, it's easy to articulate a data breach; a service people provide their information to had someone snag it through an act of unauthorised access and publish a discrete corpus of information that can be attributed back to that source. But in the case of National Public Data, we're talking about a data aggregator most people had never heard o...

Weekly Update 412

When is a breach a breach? If it's been breached then re-breached, is the second incident still a breach? Here's what the masses said when I asked if they'd want to know when something like this happened to their data: If you're in a breach and your data is aggregated by a third party, then *they* have a breach that discloses your data (again), would you want to know? Should this constitute a notifiable breach? — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) August 5, 2024 And what if that second incident wasn't...

Weekly Update 411

The ongoing scourge that is spyware (or, as it is commonly known, "stalkerware"), and the subsequent breaches that so often befall them continue to amaze me. More specifically, it's the way they tackle the non-consensual spying aspect of the service which, on the one hand is represented as a big "no-no" but on the others hand, the likes of Spytech in this week's update literally have a dedicated page for! Ok, so they say "get consent first" on the page, but only after pre-positioning the service...

Begging for Bounties and More Info Stealer Logs

TL;DR — Tens of millions of credentials obtained from info stealer logs populated by malware were posted to Telegram channels last month and used to shake down companies for bug bounties under the misrepresentation the data originated from their service. How many attempted scams do you get each day? I woke up to yet another "redeem your points" SMS this morning, I'll probably receive a phone call from "my bank" today (edit: I was close, it was "Amazon Prime" 🤷‍♂️) and don't even get me started...

Weekly Update 410

Who would have thought that just a few hours after recording the previous week's video, the world would descend into what has undoubtedly become the largest IT outage we've ever seen: I don’t think it’s too early to call it: this will be the largest IT outage in history — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) July 19, 2024 By virtue of the CrowdStrike incident occurring in friendly office hours for my corner of the world, I was able to get a thread on it going pretty early on. That tweet above has been s...

MVP 14

Just over 13 years ago, Microsoft gave me my first "Most Valuable Professional" award. Out of the blue, as far as I was concerned. It wasn't something I'd planned for and it certainly wasn't something I'd expected, but it has become a cornerstone of my professional identity. Indulge me while I go off on a bit of a tangent here: like the other things in my professional life that have turned into a success, the things I did to earn that first MVP award were things I was going to do anyway. Things...