
Get my new Pluralsight course on CloudFlare for free!

You know how you like free stuff? And cloud? And security? Of course you do – what’s not to like?! Well because Pluralsight and CloudFlare love it, we’re making my latest course available to everyone 100% for free for the next week.

Knowledge is power. Sweet, free power.

This is a great course for anyone who wants a very slick way of quickly adding SSL and raft of other security features to their site with a bare minimum of effort. CloudFlare’s service gets you up and running in literally minutes and the bits I cover in this course are 100% free. That’s the CloudFlare service that’s free and the course that’s free so there’s now a very low barrier to entry to get up and running with the service. This course is off to a fantastic start rating five out of five stars by those who’ve viewed it and I really hope everyone enjoys getting access to it free of charge.

You can access “Getting Started with CloudFlare Security” for free on Pluralsight’s Free Weekly Course page right now. Enjoy!

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Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals