

A 8-post collection

How I Got Pwned by My Cloud Costs

I have been, and still remain, a massive proponent of "the cloud". I built Have I Been Pwned [] (HIBP) as a cloud-first service that took advantage of modern cloud paradigms such as Azure Table Storage to massively drive down costs at crazy levels of performance I never could have achieved before. I wrote many blog posts about doing big things for small dollars [

Handling Huge Traffic Spikes with Azure Functions and Cloudflare

Back in 2016, I wrote a blog post about the Martin Lewis Money Show featuring HIBP [] and how it drove an unprecedented spike of traffic to the service, ultimately knocking it offline for a brief period of time. They'd given me a heads up as apparently, that's what the program has a habit of doing: > I Just wanted to get in contact to let you know we're featuring 'have I been pwned?' on the programme next week (Monday 28 Nov...

Here's how I deal with managed platform outages

The other day, my blog went down: > Sorry folks, blog is down for a bit while @TryGhost [] puts out the fire [] — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) September 15, 2016 [] Now clearly I don't like my blog going down but hey, this is technology and sometimes it fails us. But I host my blog on Ghost Pro [] which means that when it goes down, I do this:...

Get my new Pluralsight course on CloudFlare for free!

You know how you like free stuff? And cloud? And security? Of course you do – what’s not to like?! Well because Pluralsight and CloudFlare love it, we’re making my latest course available to everyone 100% for free for the next week []. [] This is a great course for anyone who wants a very slick way of quickly adding SSL and raft of other security features to their site with a bare minimum of...

Using high-spec Azure SQL Server for short term intensive data processing

These real world experiences with Azure are now available in the Pluralsight course "Modernizing Your Websites with Azure Platform as a Service" []So I had this plan: I was going to download the (very unfortunate) Adobe data breach [], suck it into SQL Server, do the usual post-import data clean up then try and draw some insightful conclusions from what I saw. Good in theory and so...

Talking cloud: Not all .NET roads lead to Microsoft

Strangely enough, there are time when I talk about things that aren’t directly related to security and yesterday’s guest appearance on the Uhuru podcast was one of these. In fact “the cloud” is something I’m deeply interested in and have spent a lot of time thinking about and working with lately, one significant of example of which has been the use of AppHarbor [] for hosting ASafaWeb []. Yesterday I had a short chat to Michael Surkan [

To the cloud! Performance testing ASafaWeb with AppHarbor & Blitz

If we can get over Microsoft’s cheesy catchphrase [] for a moment, the whole idea of “to the cloud” is actually pretty cool. It’s the promise of taking things that used to be both labour and capital intensive, commoditising them and serving them up on demand. This can very easily sound like PowerPoint presentation rhetoric so let’s move past the warm and fuzzies and actually see it in action. A couple...

5 minute wonders: From zero to hero with AppHarbor

In case you’ve been living under a rock this year, AppHarbor [] is one of the hottest things to hit .NET since, well, just about ever. It packages up the entire app lifecycle of source control, build, deployment and hosting and makes it dead simple; in fact it couldn’t be easier. It then adds a comprehensive collection of add-ons [] to do everything from persisting data (MS SQL, MySQL, MongoDB) to caching services (Memcacher) to load testing (blit...