

A 3-post collection

Subresource Integrity and Upgrade-Insecure-Requests are Now Supported in Microsoft Edge

The more time that goes by and the more deeply I give it thought, the more convinced I am that the web is held together with sticky tape. No - cyber-sticky tape! Because especially when it comes to security, there are fundamental and inherent shortcomings in everything from HTTP to HTML and many of the other acronyms that make the web work as it does today. We've been trying to get this right for 25 years as of yesterday too: > Today: The 25th anniversary of the web: Th...

The JavaScript Supply Chain Paradox: SRI, CSP and Trust in Third Party Libraries

A couple of years back as the US presidential campaign was ramping up, the Trump camp did something stupid. I know, we're all shocked but bear with me because it's an important part of the narrative of this post. One of their developers embedded this code in the campaign's donation website: <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> See the problem? This tag was in the source code over at secure.donaldjt...

Protecting your embedded content with subresource integrity (SRI)

CDNs are good. You get to put your web things all over the world and then have them served to your global audience from a location close to them. For example, because this blog is served through CloudFlare [] and about two thirds of the requests to my site come direct from their cache, you're probably downloading all the images on this page from whichever point in the map below is closest to you: But what's even better than CDNs when it comes to cost and performance...