
Weekly Update 159

Well, this will be the last weekly update done overseas for some time as I count down the return to beaches, sunshine and fantastic coffee (yes, I'm confident saying that even whilst in Italy!) It's been a non-stop trip with an attempt of a bit of downtime at the end of it, albeit with limited success. Regardless, this week I'm covering off the last few days travels, reflecting on 10 years of blogging and looking at a really cool use of HIBP related to net neutrality comments lodged at the FCC. Next week... who knows, but at least I'll be home.

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  1. I went to CERN - it was amazing! (that's a bunch of thoughts and pics from the trip, just staggeringly cool stuff IMHO)
  2. I started a little blog 10 years ago, you'll never believe what happened next... (but seriously, everything I do professionally today started from that one post)
  3. Personal data from a breach was used to spam the FCC (a fascinating look at how HIBP was used to help get to the bottom of it)
  4. Sponsored by Kolide, a User Focused Security app for teams that care about the trust and privacy of their users. Start your free 30 day trial now!
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Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals