
Weekly Update 311

Well, after a crazy amount of work, a lot of edits, reflection, and feedback cycles, "Pwned" is almost here:

The preview cycle is in full swing with lots of feedback coming in and revisions being made before we push it live to the masses. This is really exciting and I can't wait to get the book out there in front of everyone, stay tuned 😊

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  1. There's clearly more going on behind the scenes with Krebs' "Final Thoughts on Ubiquiti" post (but hey, I love what they both do so hopefully that's that and everyone can get back to doing what they do best)
  2. The Russian streaming service START made it into HIBP (should I have done anything differently because it's Russian, or mostly full of Russian subscribers?)
  3. The Stripchat data is also now in HIBP (a very adult website so flagged as "sensitive" and not publicly searchable)
  4. I love a good crazy corporate response on Twitter, so here's a couple of them for you 😊 (quite funny that Ocado now decides to delete their crazy tweet!)
  5. Sponsored by: Kolide is an endpoint security solution for teams that want to meet SOC2 compliance goals without sacrificing privacy. Learn more here.
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Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals