

A 61-post collection

Talking cloud: Not all .NET roads lead to Microsoft

Strangely enough, there are time when I talk about things that aren’t directly related to security and yesterday’s guest appearance on the Uhuru podcast was one of these. In fact “the cloud” is something I’m deeply interested in and have spent a lot of time thinking about and working with lately, one significant of example of which has been the use of AppHarbor [] for hosting ASafaWeb []. Yesterday I had a short chat to Michael Surkan [

Speaking about ASP.NET security on the OWASP podcast

I’ve been writing and speaking about OWASP for long enough now that it was probably about time I contributed to the podcast so when Jim Manico [] invited me to talk, it was a no-brainer! I had a good chat with Jim about a range of aspects related to ASP.NET; good stuff in the framework, not such good stuff in the framework, where I’m seeing people go wrong with .NET security and then a bit about some of the things I’m doing in terms of writing the OWASP Top 10 for .NET...

Browser URL encoding and website request validation black magic

Let me pose a question: What’s the difference between these two URLs: 1. http://[mydomain]/?foo=<script> 2. http://[mydomain]/?foo=<script> Nothing, right? Let’s plug that into two different browsers and see what they think: Ok, now it’s just getting weird and this brings me to the topic of the day: Recently a friendly supporter of ASafaWeb [] contacted me and said “Hey, how come ASafaWeb isn’t correctly identifying that my site is throwing custom errors?” Naturall...

67% of ASP.NET websites have serious configuration related security vulnerabilities

Actually, it’s even worse than that – it’s really 67.37% – but let’s not split hairs over that right now. The point is that it’s an alarmingly high number for what amounts to very simple configuration vulnerabilities. The numbers come courtesy of ASafaWeb [], the Automated Security Analyser for ASP.NET Websites which is a free online scanner at []. When I built ASafaWeb, I designed it from the ground up to anonymously log scan results. The anon...

SSW TV: Protecting your web apps from the tyranny of evil with OWASP

[] There’s an excellent home-grown Aussie free learning resource which I suspect is a bit new to a lot of developers: SSW TV []. SSW is a local Sydney development shop headed up by Adam Cogan [], a Microsoft Regional Director and ALM MVP. I offered to talk a little about web app security to their user group a couple of months back and we recorded Protecting your Web Apps from the Tyranny of Evil with OWASP [

Shhh… don’t let your response headers talk too loudly

When it comes to our personal security, we’ve all grown a bit accustomed to keeping things on the down-low []. For example, we cover the keypad on the ATM when entering our PIN and we shred our sensitive documents rather than throwing them straight in the trash. We do this not because any one single piece of information is going to bring us undone, but rather we try not to broadcast anything which may be used to take advantage of us. That PIN could be used...

ASP.NET session hijacking with Google and ELMAH

I love ELMAH [] – this is one those libraries which is both beautiful in its simplicity yet powerful in what it allows you to do. Combine the power of ELMAH with the convenience of NuGet and you can be up and running with absolutely invaluable error logging and handling in literally a couple of minutes. Yet, as the old adage goes, with great power comes great responsibility and if you’re not responsible with how you implement ELMAH, you’re also only a couple of mi...

Free eBook: OWASP Top 10 for .NET developers

This entire series is now available as a Pluralsight course! [] Writing this series [] was an epic adventure in all senses of the word: Duration – 19 months to complete a blog series, for crying out loud! Content – approaching 50,000 words, not including all the discussion in comments. Effort – some of the posts, su...

OWASP Top 10 for .NET developers part 10: Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

This content is now available in the Pluralsight course "OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks for ASP.NET" [] In the final part of this series we’ll look at the risk of an unvalidated redirect or forward. As this is the last risk in the Top 10, it’s also the lowest risk. Whilst by no means innocuous, the OWASP Risk Rating Methodology [] has determ...

Welcome to ASafaWeb

Websites get hacked. Lots. This year alone we’re looking at some absolute whoppers; Sony, EVE Online, Sony,, Sony,, did I mention Sony? Many times, the gateway to successful website exploits is simple misconfiguration. Custom errors were left off and thus leaked internal code. Or request validation was turned off which opened up an XSS flaw. These risks are often then leveraged to do other nasty stuff. The thing is, many of these are also easily remotely detectable – certain...