

A 61-post collection

The accidental MVP

An unexpected email was waiting for me when I got off the plane from a recent work trip to Thailand on Saturday: > Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2011 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in Developer Security technical communities during the past year. Given this was sent out on April 1st, one could be...

Continuous Web.config security analysis with WCSA and TeamCity

Edit (6 Oct 2020): It looks like the WCSA website has disappeared since originally writing this article and the domain is now parked on a porn site. The Google Code archive still exists so the blog post is still relevant, just be conscious that this project has obviously gone unloved for some time now and make take you to unexpected places. Ah, automation. Any time I find myself doing the same thing more than once, I get the inclination to bundle it all up into something that can begin happenin...

The unnecessary evil of the shared development database

Who remembers what it was like to build web apps on a shared development server? I mean the model where developers huddled around shared drives mapped to the same UNC path and worked on the same set of files with reckless abandon then fired them up in the browser right off the same sever. Maybe this is an entirely foreign concept to you but I certainly have vivid memories from the late 90s of building classic ASP apps (ye olde VB script) in Dreamweaver, side by side my fellow developers working...

OWASP Top 10 for .NET developers part 6: Security Misconfiguration

This content is now available in the Pluralsight course "OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks for ASP.NET" [] If your app uses a web server, a framework, an app platform, a database, a network or contains any code, you’re at risk of security misconfiguration. So that would be all of us then. The truth is, software is complex business. It’s not so much that the practice of writing code is tricky (in fact I’...

Continuous code quality measurement with NDepend and TeamCity

I love a good set of automatically generated code metrics. There’s something about just pointing a tool at the code base and saying “Over there – go and do your thing” which really appeals to the part of me that wants to quantify and measure. I think part of it is the objectiveness of automated code analysis. Manual code reviews are great, but other than the manual labour issue, there’s always that degree of subjectiveness the human bring with them. Of course code reviews are still important, b...

OWASP Top 10 for .NET developers part 5: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

This content is now available in the Pluralsight course "OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks for ASP.NET" [] If you’re anything like me (and if you’re reading this, you probably are), your browser looks a little like this right now: A bunch of different sites all presently authenticated to and sitting idly by waiting for your next HTTP instruction to update your status, accept your credit card or email...

Why the target “Package” does not exist in the project

I wasn’t intending to write about this simply because to be honest, it’s a stupid mistake. What swung me into blogger mode was that if I had found this post in my searches a couple of hours ago I’d be relaxing with a cold beer right now rather than nursing the sore head I’ve been banging against the wall this evening. This is all about MSBuild [] and more specifically, targeting “Package” so that the app can then be pushed out to a ser...

Do you trust your hosting provider and have they really installed the padding oracle patch?

Finally they’ve delivered! Earlier today the much awaited padding oracle patch was released by Microsoft. As usual, Scott Guthrie has written about it and you can find all the info in ASP.NET Security Update Now Available [] . It’s not a moment too soon either. According to Thai Duong [], half of the duo responsible for bringing the vulnerability in ASP.NET to public awarenes...

Why sleep is good for your app’s padding oracle health

The last week hasn’t been particularly kind to ASP.NET, and that’s probably a more than generous way of putting it. Only a week ago now, Scott Guthrie wrote about an Important ASP.NET Security Vulnerability [] ; the padding oracle exploit. I watched with interest as he was flooded with a barrage of questions (316 as of now) and realised that whilst he’d done his best to explain the mitigation, he obvio...

Fear, uncertainty and the padding oracle exploit in ASP.NET

You’ve gotta feel a bit sorry for Scott Guthrie. Microsoft’s developer division VP normally spends his time writing about all the great new work his team is doing and basking in the kudos of loyal followers. But not this weekend. Unfortunately his latest post [] has been all about repeating the same dire message; ASP.NET has a major security flaw posing a critical vulnerability to millions of websites...